Think and say “I don’t know”

Think “I don’t know” more often and then say it. It helps you and others fight bias. Maybe, I don’t know.

We like to be certain of our beliefs, theories, opinions and emotions. We like things simple, consistent, and fast. We follow strong leaders and make their ideas our own. We believe our own memories and knowledge. These biases cause us and others many issues:

To fight your own bias think: “I don’t know”. Question your own thoughts, knowledge and beliefs, often, more than is comfortable. This will improve your thinking and reduce your bias. The more you question yourself the easier it gets.

To help others fight their bias, lead by example. Say “I don’t know” out loud. By saying it you make it easier for them to think and say it too.

To think and work together, listen to and try to understand others with a mindset of not knowing. If our own position is unsure we are more open to ideas of others. As a leader in a group conversation you can say: “I don’t know, what do others think?”

I don’t know any of this for sure! I think the above is good advice because scientific and philosophical content points in this direction and (I think…) I have some experience with it myself. But don’t take my word for it!